JK warns Tanzanians caught trafficking drugs

President Jakaya Kikwete has said his government will not defend Tanzanians arrested in any part of the world trafficking drugs.
Addressing Tanzanians living in San Francisco, California, President Kikwete made it clear that his government shall not in any way defend nationals apprehended in drug deals anywhere in the world.

“If you are arrested for being involved in the drug business, the government shall not in any way defend you because the laws of different countries prohibit this hideous business,” he said.

He added: “We cannot continue to be branded a country of drug dealers. The government can only defend nationals living abroad if they are mistreated, but not for being involved in drug business, rape or any other criminal acts,” the President said during his two-day official visit to California, in the US.

His remarks are based on the fact that drug trafficking business is illegal in most countries in the world.

The President’s remarks come after the recent arrest of a number of Tanzanians in different countries over allegations of drug trafficking.
He called on Tanzanians living in the Diaspora to respect the laws in their countries of residence.

“It is imperative to behave as good citizens. You decided on your own to come and live here. You should therefore know that these countries have their own laws. If you decide to become bad citizens – as the British say – ‘You will face the music’. And sometimes the music that you will face may not be enjoyable,” he warned.

In another development, President Kikwete told Diaspora Tanzanians that he was not sure if the issue of dual citizenship would have room in the new Constitution.
This, he said, is due to the fact that the issue is not in the Draft Constitution currently being debated back home.

However, he said, the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has simply proposed that that the issue of dual citizenship should have a place in the new Constitution.
“As CCM we discussed the issue of dual citizenship and treated it is as a new proposal. We want it to be discussed but we are not sure whether it will have a place in the second draft or not,” he said.

He added: “We shall keep pushing it though, but to be sincere, it is not an issue that is likely to gather much support since very few Tanzanians live in the Diaspora,” he explained.

Meanwhile, President Kikwete has said Tanzania cannot continue to depend on donations in its struggle to fast track the country’s development.
To ensure that Tanzania speeds up development, the country has started appointing goodwill ambassadors in various countries.

“We cannot continue to be a country that depends on donations. We have relied on donations for a long time and we think now it is enough. We have to change and rely on big investments and businesses between Tanzania and other countries in the world,” he said at the official investiture of Ahmed Nassoro Issa Al Qasimi as Tanzania’s goodwill ambassador to California on Monday.

According to President Kikwete, the duty of a goodwill ambassador is to represent Tanzania’s interests in the country of accreditation.
He said Tanzania's policy is to have many such envoys, especially in economically rich countries where the official ambassador alone is not enough. 

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