Uganda: Museveni Flags Off New UPDF Contingent to Somalia

Kampala — The President and Commander in Chief of the Uganda Armed Forces General Yoweri Museveni has urged Officers and Men of the UPDF going for peace operations in Somalia to be Ambassadors of Uganda and the UPDF in that country by maintaining a high degree of discipline.

General Museveni was on Tuesday morning flagging off a contingent of over 2,900 UPDF soldiers destined for Somalia, at the Peace Support Operations Centre Singo in Nakaseke district.
The contingent, that will be part of the African Union Mission In Somalia (AMISOM),is led by Brigadier Dick Olum. The soldiers have been on a three- month training course at Singo.
Museveni's warning comes at a time when the UPDF leadership in Somalia is being accused of corruption and misconduct in managing the soldiers' welfare.
UPDF publicist, Lt Col Paddy Ankunda, told the BBC that the officers were accused of selling food and fuel, meant for troops, on the black market and that the commander of the Ugandan contingent is among those being investigated.
The Spokesman said the officers had been recalled for allegedly "getting involved in conduct injurious" to the AU force. They have been suspended pending the outcome of an investigation into the allegations against them.
The enquiry followed complaints by junior officers of "unscrupulous conduct" by their superiors.
According to the Spokesman the claims included allegations that junior officers were not being paid and food meant for them was being sold.
He said the suspended officers would be court-martialled and dismissed from the army if found guilty.
Meanwhile, General Museveni commended UPDF soldiers for doing a good job for a long time not only in Somalia but also in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Central African Republic.
The General further congratulated the commanders of Singo for equipping soldiers with all the required skills that will make them effective in the field.
The President, however, advised them to be vigilant and, at all times, maintain cordial relationship with the civilian population in Somalia.
He further advised both the commanders and soldiers to maintain discipline, avoid alcohol and bad behavior that can easily lead them into contracting deadly pandemics like HIV/AIDS.
"When you use your life negligently, you end up in problems. You can end up your life early when Uganda is today developing at a very fast rate. Be in good health," he counseled.
The Chief of Defense Forces, Lt. General Katumba Wamala said UPDF peace support teams have made a good name for Uganda and Africa.
General Museveni later handed over the Uganda Flag to the Commander of the contingent Brigadier Dick Olum.
The ceremony was attended by, among others, the Deputy Chief of Defense Forces, Lt. General Charles Angina and senior army officers.

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